Sad tales of troubled minds

There are many murderers and victims buried in Rookwood. Most of the murderers lie in areas that have been allowed to return to nature, but many are lying in amongst their victims such as Stuart Briggs who I mentioned in this blog a few weeks ago. His poor unfortunate victim lies but a few plots away. But what of the plots where both the murderer and the victim (or victims) are all buried together. I often wonder what nocturnal activity abounds in the area.... Today's blog highlights two of these tragic tales. VICTOR EDWARD ROBINS Victor was born in October 1887 to John and Margaret Robins, the second last of their seven children. Victor was a part owner of the family run shoe manufacturing business which operated under the name of J Robins in Leichardt, commencing operations in 1911. He was known to be a of a quiet disposition. It seems that from August 1914, Victor showed signs of depression and odd behaviour so much so that his wife Elizabeth confided to her sister Nel...