A unique Mausoleum of sheer magnificence

I joined the Friends of Rookwood over 10 years ago after undertaking a couple of tours of the Cemetery and promptly fell in love with its fascinating history and that of the inhabitants. The Friends use all the funds raised from those tours, talks etc. to go towards funding restoration programs within the Cemetery and I have seen many headstones and monuments restored. The big passion project of the Friends since its inception decades ago was to restore the largest mausoleum within the Cemetery that had been gifted to the authorities to do as they thought best. The restoration was constantly brought up in meetings and talks but as the years went by and costs blew out it seemed an impossibility that the Mausoleum would be brought back to any of its original magnificence. Last Tuesday I attended the official reopening of the Frazer Mausoleum recently restored with major funding from the NSW Government and input from the Rookwood General Cemetery now part of the Metropolitan Memori...